Tools for testing and debugging memory issues (part 2)

This lesson contains approximately 25 minutes of video content.

Clang-14 and debugging symbols

When compiling by hand, you'd include -g to have the compiler write debugging symbols. This is what is shown in some of the videos presented in this lesson. For the version of clang++ that we're using (v. 14.0.5), DWARFv5 debug format is used by default. Unfortunately,some of our tools will not properly read the DWARF5 generated by clang-14. Therefore, instead of using the -g flag, use -gdwarf-4.

UndefinedBehaviorSanitizer (UBSan)


You can request more detail about the leak presenting in your program by passing valgrind the flag --leak-check=full to show each leak in detail, and --track-origins=yes to have valgrind track the origin of undefined values. For line-by-line details about what went wrong, you need to tell clang++ to write the executable with debugging symbols, which you can do by providing the compiler the -gdwarf-4 flag.

Additional tools


Answer the following questions with consideration to the material introduced in both Parts 1 and 2 of this lesson.